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时间:2017/7/20 10:25:23 点击:


1. 最最最基本的原则,教授/实习领导跟你有直接且紧密的联系。也就是说,推荐人和你接触的时间越长越好。在美国教授眼里,只有推荐人和你接触的越频繁,才有可能对你有深入的了解,所写出的推荐信就更全面且具备说服力。
2. 在第一条基础上,推荐人职位越高越好。
3. 切忌选择只有一面/几面之缘的业界大牛。亲属更不能做推荐人(此为学校明确规定)。
I have personally known Walter for nine years, ever since he joined Costco’s Atlanta regional headquarters as a 20-hour-perweek student employee in the advertising department. Costco Southeast usually hires final-semester university students parttime in order to then offer a very limited number of them full-time employment upon completion of their studies, depending on their performance. Walter was somewhat special in that he joined the company with four semesters still to go at Emory. We had never done this before, given that we give our part-timers a heavy workload. But Walter was eager, and under my supervision, he handled his dual duties so well that ever since then we’ve continued hiring students with up to four semesters left in college. Of course, I hired Walter as soon as he graduated, and working directly for me (multiple interactions every day), he set several “records” in terms of achievements, assignments, and promotions. In his early years as Marketing Assistant, I placed Walter in some of our most important projects, such as our big Spanish-language media thrust and selected special sporting event sponsorships in southern Georgia and the Florida Panhandle. In 2008, I promoted Walter again: to become Costco’s youngest-ever Assistant Brand Manager. We still interact daily—he’s my right-hand man—so I know more about his impact than anyone who’s worked with him.
Bob’s most important strength is leadership, and he demonstrates it over and over again in the way he manages projects, leads teams, and works productively with others. Bob’s tax partner, Sheila, recognized Bob’s talent for leading people and projects early on and began giving him more responsibility than associates his age normally get. In one case in 2008, Sheila gave Bob complete responsibility for setting the time line, monitoring and enforcing the deal flow, and assigning responsibilities to individual parties for a $32-million restructuring of an REIT. This means that Bob was the de facto leader of a team that consisted of a partner and two associates from Thames Tower Real Estate Group; a partner and two associates from our Capital Markets Group; five attorneys from an outside law firm; and the tax director and CFO/VP of our client. That Bob showed such leadership in what Sheila later called “the most complicated deal” she’d ever worked on speaks volumes about what Bob is capable of doing when he’s at the front of a large organization.
I am pleased to provide Jack Sims with my highest recommendation. He will be an asset to Wharton as he has been for us. I would be delighted if I could work with Jack again in the future.
套用模板。国内推荐人往往会倾向于让学生自己去写推荐信,由于内容匮乏,申请者通常会效仿别人的内容,经常会出现雷同内容:课堂上所有别的学生都无法回答某个问题,只有这位天才站起来侃侃而谈,“显示了深厚的功底和创造力。” 一个有说服力的推荐信,需要推荐人说出具体讨论的是什么话题,某学生的思路有什么样的创造力。

作者:271933741 录入:271933741 来源:原创
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